onetoone (15) Pauline Kraneis ‘einschlagen’

16.01. – 01.05.2021
On Saturday, 24 April 2020 at 5 pm, the artist Juliane Laitzsch will lead a conversation with Pauline Kraneis.

In her works, Pauline Kraneis explores the tension between line and space, between two- and three-dimensionality. In her site-specific drawings and installations, the line reaches for space and transforms it. Textile surfaces or folds become space-forming and spread out before us in a walkable way, they become landscapes or urban plans.

“The starting point of my work for the bakery is the craft itself and associated movements such as the turning of the dough, accessories such as baker’s lines and finally the architectural conditions in the bakery, an offset in the wall that can be read as a fold in the room.”

Exhibition review on art-in-berlin by Urszula Usakowska-Wolff
Exhibition review in Tip Berlin (issue 3/2021) by Ina Hildebrandt

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 323 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 263

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (14) Martin Zellerhoff ‚act, fail, keep going‘

Martin Zellerhoff

12. 09. – 24.12. 2020
The conversation between Dirk Paulick, Müller, and the artist had to be cancelled due to the pandemic regulations.

Martin Zellerhoff’s subject-matter is about the impact of technical images on our perception and conduct. In his photographic wall piece with inserted LED display, he deals with the consequences of our mishandling of the planet: instead of taking direct action, we allow the speed at which we are destroying our habitat to steadily increase.

Thus, this exhibition is his artistic appeal to draw the necessary consequences. At the same time, Zellerhoff has chosen “act, fail, keep going” as the self-reflective title for his hundredth exhibition. 

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 834 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 690

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (13) Renate Hampke + Ute Wigand ‘Knoten’

Renate Hampke and Ute Wigand

11.05. – 29. 08.2020
Talk by Karla Sachse with the artists on Saturday, August 22, 2020

Exhibition view

Renate Hampke has been working for 10 years with the inner tubes of bicycles. Ute Wigand addresses items of daily use such as umbrella frames. They have realized projects together, among others at the Kulturhistorisches Museum Görlitz. Both are members of the women’s artist group Schwarze Schokolade. With their materials and visual language, the artists open up a field of historico-cultural and contemporary meaning.

Renate and Ute say:
“In our work, we pick up various aspects of a knot: The inner tube of a bicycle and a roll of dough are entangled strands. In black and white, they stand face to face: sequence and playful array in visual dialogue.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 333 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 71

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (12) Miranda Blennerhassett ‚Cathedral Windows‘

Miranda Blennerhassett ‚Cathedral Windows‘
11.01. – 02.05.2020
Artist talk at the opening on Samstag, January 11, 2020.

Miranda Blennerhassett is a Scottish artist. Her site specific and temporary wall paintings have been exhibited in Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, the USA, and Romania. In 2020 she has a residency at MASS MoCA, Massachusetts, USA.

Miranda says:
“My work explores the cultural significance of patterns. I am interested in the ways in which patterns and decorations are democratic forms of artistic creation shared by communities. Geometric patterns are a universal and unifying expression of creativity. I want to work with images that appeal to people across cultures. The pattern I have worked on for the kønigliche Backstube is based on a traditional quilt design.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 336 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 210

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (11) Stefka Ammon ‚Familienkoralle‘

Stefka Ammon 

07.09. – 24.12.2019
Talk by Prof. Dirk Manzke, urban developer, curator and author, with the artist on September 28, 2019

Exhibition view

Stefka Ammon studied at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee and in Philadelphia, USA. Her work investigates the effect of notions that are shaped by culture.

Stefka says:
“To what do we refer our origins? What am I? Do I determine what I am? Is it determined by a factual (geographical, national, genetic, social) origin? Does this determine an attribution? And no matter who defines it (I myself or the ‘environment’), what is evaluated, where is the link, what is the assumption? Which social, political, gender, economic etc. mechanisms are we subjected to? We are so many things all at once and yet there is the perceived self, an undisguised self-perception. Well: does that really exist?”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 165 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 91

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (10) Matthias Beckmann ‚unser täglich‘

Matthias Beckmann 

04.05. – 31.08.2019
Gespräch von Dr. Martin Steffens, Kunsthistoriker und Kurator, mit dem Künstler am 10. August 2019

Exhibition view

Matthias Beckmann is a draughtsman whose work is to be found in the graphic collections of numerous museums. His series of images depicting selected sites and institutions are created in front of the motif – without any photographs, preliminary drawings, or corrections. Framed, unframed, and folded drawings of different sizes complement one another in the series created for the kønigliche Backstube.

Matthias says:
“Drawing is just like backing bread. At its best, fresh every day. I like to start early, trust the eyes, let the pen slide freely, and hope that the lines will find their right path. Concentration is important. Torture unnecessary.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 151 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 89

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (9) Kati Gausmann ‚drift (19/27/X/1)‘

Kati Gausmann 

19.01. –  27.04.2019
Talk by Michael Köser (baker and owner of the kønigliche Backstube) with the artist on March 2nd, 2019

Exhibition view

Kati Gausmann is concerned in her practice with the recording of sequences of movement. During the last years, she has focused on geological processes, which she understands as sculptural phenomena, such as the formation and erosion of mountains, the rotation of the earth around itself, and the movements of the continental plates.

Kati says:
“I am fascinated by global and universal rhythms as human experience, as movement that we cannot evade. This leads to the notion that I – as the example of a human being – cannot walk around my body, that I cannot say what I am or how I look – and how anything else is – seen from everywhere. This is what determines my presence in the world and my artistic practice.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 210 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 32

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (8) Renate Wolff ‚Zutaten‘

01.09. – 31.12.2018
Talk by Dr. Daniel Kletke, art historian, with the artist on December 1st, 2018

Exhibition view

Renate Wolff uses linear, two-dimensional shapes in her spatial drawings in such a way that the viewer is denied the clarity of positive and negative elements and directs perception towards the unexpected. Adapter-like shapes, which could be relics of an original entity, take up a constantly changing connection with the space and the wall. In addition, the specific material quality of the velvet foil generates moments of spatial illusion.

Renate says:
“In the end, however, my work is based on ‘ingredients’, packaging materials from the bakery, a final rounding-off moment, in which the viewer can look forward to a loaf of bread still to be unwrapped.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 236 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 32

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (7) Claudia Busching ‘Wand, verschränkt’

28. 04. – 25.08.2018
Talk by Inga Kondeyne with the artist on Juni 30, 2018

Exhibition view

Claudia Busching studied painting at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin. In her practice, she examines the potentials in painting of two-dimensional spatial representation and of making three-dimensionality appear to be flat.

Claudia says:
“My artworks oscillate, so to speak, between the second and third dimension. A particular sideline of mine is the design or modification of utility objects. Here too, I’m interested in the area in-between: art or utility object, or both? In the bakery everything is united in a single wall piece. Quotations of sections and functions of the room with suitable objects added.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 369 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 182

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (6) Deborah S. Phillips ‚verwiegen und langstoßen‘

13.01. – 21.04.2018
Talk by Stephanie Hanna with the artist on February 24, 2018

Exhibition view

Deborah S. Phillips creates two-, three-, and four-dimensional images. Her major themes are gestures, colours, textures, and the three-dimensionality of painting.

Deborah says:
“The hand movements I could observe in the bakery inspired me to make lithographs (from a stone plate). I combine these with painted acrylic glass elements, which I have been using in various dimensions as a modular system since the end of the 80s to draw movement in space.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 123 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 066

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.