onetoone (13) Renate Hampke + Ute Wigand ‘Knoten’

Renate Hampke and Ute Wigand

11.05. – 29. 08.2020
Talk by Karla Sachse with the artists on Saturday, August 22, 2020

Exhibition view

Renate Hampke has been working for 10 years with the inner tubes of bicycles. Ute Wigand addresses items of daily use such as umbrella frames. They have realized projects together, among others at the Kulturhistorisches Museum Görlitz. Both are members of the women’s artist group Schwarze Schokolade. With their materials and visual language, the artists open up a field of historico-cultural and contemporary meaning.

Renate and Ute say:
“In our work, we pick up various aspects of a knot: The inner tube of a bicycle and a roll of dough are entangled strands. In black and white, they stand face to face: sequence and playful array in visual dialogue.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 333 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 71

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.