Back in Iceland!

In September 2021 I will continue working on my series ‚drift‘ in Iceland.
Impressions from my previous work stays in Iceland below in the blog.

Three years ago, I worked near Grindavik, on the Reykjanes Peninsula, with traces of volcanic events that happened around 800 years ago. Since March there is volcanic activity in this area again for the first time! I am very happy to be able to experience this live.

I was invited as Artist in Residence by the Icelandic Arts Association SÍM. In the exhibition „Rhythms“, I will show works together with the Scottish artist Miranda Blennerhassett which were created within the framework of our Iceland projects. The exhibition takes place in the artist-run-space FLÆÐI in Reykjavik.

Fieldwork in Grindavik, Iceland

Since the beginning of September I am back in Iceland and work on the peninsula Reykjanes near Grindavik on the mid-Atlantic ridge. Fortunately the weather is much better than during my stay in May!

Some impressions of my work with frottage and impressions and a view out of the window of the fishing canteen, where I often had lunch among fishermen and dock workers:

Fieldwork on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland

Some impressions of my fieldwork from last week, end of May 2018, on the Reykjanes Peninsula between water and land: Impression at the Atlantic Ocean at the bridge between the continents and Frottage near Grindavik.

Thanks to my dear friends Dina, Ela and Sabine for their help!

At the end of the month it turned out that it was the wettest May in Iceland in the last hundred years!

SÍM-Residency in Reykjavik, Iceland

My residency at SÍM-studiohouse in Reykjavik, Iceland in May 2018 has started, enabled by Senat Berlin/ international cultural exchange program / global grant 2018.

Longing for fieldwork, I have to deal with rain, periods of snows and winks of sun.