onetoone (10) Matthias Beckmann ‚unser täglich‘

Matthias Beckmann 

04.05. – 31.08.2019
Gespräch von Dr. Martin Steffens, Kunsthistoriker und Kurator, mit dem Künstler am 10. August 2019

Exhibition view

Matthias Beckmann is a draughtsman whose work is to be found in the graphic collections of numerous museums. His series of images depicting selected sites and institutions are created in front of the motif – without any photographs, preliminary drawings, or corrections. Framed, unframed, and folded drawings of different sizes complement one another in the series created for the kønigliche Backstube.

Matthias says:
“Drawing is just like backing bread. At its best, fresh every day. I like to start early, trust the eyes, let the pen slide freely, and hope that the lines will find their right path. Concentration is important. Torture unnecessary.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 151 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 89

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.