onetoone (5) Tine Schumann ‚land flucht‘

Tine Schumann

02.09. – 24.12.2017
Talk by Johanna K Becker with the artist on Dezember 9, 2017

Exhibition view

Tine Schumann studied painting and drawing at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig. In her artistic work she touches on current social conflicts. Her naturalistic drawings merge with Kafkaesque or surreal alienation. This leads to a wonderful balance between reality and imagination.

Tine says:
“My space related works refer to the respective exhibition venue in terms both of form and content. In the case of ‘land flucht’ [‘land flight’], I open the sales room of the bakery onto a fictitious crop field. Where does our daily bread come from? An elementary question that in the abundance of the city is often forgotten. It’s good to be able to pose this question in a place like this.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 363 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 207

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (4) Birgit Cauer ‚eine handvoll Wirks‘

Birgit Cauer

20.05. – 25.08.2017
Talk by Dr. Angelika Euchner with the artist and the baker Michael Köser on July 15, 2017

Exhibition view

Birgit Cauer, sculptor and art educator, explores in her sculptures, drawings, and participatory projects in public space the origins of all that lives and makes this perceptible in a sensual way. In her work ‘eine handvoll Wirks’ [‘A Handful of Particles’], she investigates the qualities and potentialities of flour. What is hidden behind the subtle and subatomic level described as follows by the quantum physicist Hans-Peter Dürr:

“Reality is a bag full of particles. The ‘particle’ is actually the basic element and not ‘consciousness’. Let’s start with coming into being and particles.”

Compare: Hans-Peter Dürr in a talk with Marianne Oesterreicher: Wir erleben mehr als wir begreifen, Quantenphysik und Lebensfragen, 2007, pp. 82 ff.

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 165 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 144

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (3) Veronike Hinsberg ‚rundwirken‘

Veronike Hinsberg

14.01. – 13.05.2017
Talk by Hajo Eickhoff with the artist on May 13, 2017

Exhibition view

Veronike Hinsberg first learned a craft trade before studying at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. Her practice ranges within the field of tension between mathematical and experienced space, materials and handcraft.

Veronike says:
“I’m interested in the conditions and idiosyncrasies of concrete locations. I examine and measure these spaces in their dimensions, their materiality, and function, thus appropriating them. My investigation then continues in the artistic process with concrete materials, in order to both expand and differentiate specific spaces. In so doing, it is essential for me to find a form that connects what happens in the space with the physical circumstances of its architectural shell.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 86 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 60

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (2) Barbara Eitel ‚doppeltes wirbeln‘

Barbara Eitel

24.09. – 24.12.2016

Exhibition view

Barbara Eitel studied in Offenbach and has lived in Berlin since 1996. In many of her works, she negotiates the interplay between two- and three-dimensionality. She combines elements from different cultural contexts to create moving structures that develop spatially on or out of the plane.

Barbara says:
“In my everyday environment, I observe the interplay of different circumstances, constructions, and life plans. I concentrate on the spatial contexts that are thus created and which only exist because different and opposing perspectives come into contact with one another. It is these immaterial and unstable space-creating moments that are reflected in my cut-paper drawings, walk-over floor drawings, and floor pieces.”

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 275 single cards in a 1:1 scale – Edition of 4
EIndividual card no. 110

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.

onetoone (1) Kati Gausmann ‚flow‘

Kati Gausmann

01.06. – 17.09.2016

Exhibition view

Kati Gausmann is concerned in her practice with the recording of sequences of movement. During the last years, she has focused on geological processes, which she understands as sculptural phenomena, such as the formation and erosion of mountains, the rotation of the earth around itself, and the movements of the continental plates.

Kati says:
“I am fascinated by global and universal rhythms as human experience, as movement that we cannot evade. This leads to the notion that I – as the example of a human being – cannot walk around my body, that I cannot say what I am or how I look – and how anything else is – seen from everywhere. This is what determines my presence in the world and my artistic practice.”

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.