onetoone (4) Birgit Cauer ‚eine handvoll Wirks‘

Birgit Cauer

20.05. – 25.08.2017
Talk by Dr. Angelika Euchner with the artist and the baker Michael Köser on July 15, 2017

Exhibition view

Birgit Cauer, sculptor and art educator, explores in her sculptures, drawings, and participatory projects in public space the origins of all that lives and makes this perceptible in a sensual way. In her work ‘eine handvoll Wirks’ [‘A Handful of Particles’], she investigates the qualities and potentialities of flour. What is hidden behind the subtle and subatomic level described as follows by the quantum physicist Hans-Peter Dürr:

“Reality is a bag full of particles. The ‘particle’ is actually the basic element and not ‘consciousness’. Let’s start with coming into being and particles.”

Compare: Hans-Peter Dürr in a talk with Marianne Oesterreicher: Wir erleben mehr als wir begreifen, Quantenphysik und Lebensfragen, 2007, pp. 82 ff.

Edition scheme: Breakdown of the wall piece in 165 single cards in a 1:1 scale
Individual card no. 144

onetoone – Art at the Røyal Bakery is a project by Kati Gausmann.