On this sunny day I took a long walk into the mountains, breathing the warm air with the smell of conifers, animal droppings (donkeys, cows and horses) and wild thyme.
About geological folds
Two visualisations of the geological structures in the Farrearas area:
In structural geology, a syncline is a fold with younger layers closer to the centre of the structure.
About ‘dancing dough and circumstances III’
A human being can also be seen as a dough, shaped by specific circumstances like cultural, social, physical, mental, climatic … conditions as well as global and universal rhythms. They are intrinsic to our human experience. None of us can e.g. feel the speed of our moved and moving planet.
I like the image that we can not compass ourselves. This implicates that we can never say what we are, seen from everywhere. Actually, we know too little about our species to even decsribe ourselfs intellectual. Bordieu comes back to my mind and his idea of ‘social sense’ and ‘Habitus’. Quoting Bordieu:
“Was der Leib gelernt hat, das besitzt man nicht wie ein wiederbetrachtbares Wissen, sondern das ist man.“
I envision us being able to recognize and to respond to hidden natural phenomena if they come to the limits of our perception. This is associated with the idea of „Resonanz“ like Hartmut Rosa enfolded it in his book of the same name.
I envision us being part of a universal system of life, one species of countless many, in infinite space and time as well as concrete self in concrete communities.
In my artistic practice, I wish to follow these visions.
Trip to the mountains around Farrera
On Wednesday, Llouis from CAN took me on a trip to the mountains where we saw some beautiful and narrative structures.
These structures tell at least one story: a long time ago, two continental plates collided and created the high Pyrenees. As they were of equal weight, no subduction took place (unless there was an ocean between them).
The material crashed, broke, crumpled, folded …
Fieldwork in Farrera – from the studio
Fieldwork in Farrera – from the studio
The sky above Farrera
Approach to Wrinkles and Quotation “The Wrinkle between Body and Soul” by Christian Schlueter
A fold is a trace of movement. It has an inside and an outside as well as visible and invisible surfaces which are inseparably connected. Essential parts of our body are folded. Folded objects can be stored in a space-saving way. Folded clothes enfold while dancing.
Quote from Christian Schlueter in German only