Frontiers in Retreat – Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ecology in Contemporary Art (2013 – 2018)

This blog is published due to my participation in the European AiR programme Frontiers in Retreat – Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ecology in Contemporary Art (2013 – 2018).

Recently asked questions from the organizer:

How do you envision the notion of “frontiers”? What does it signify to you?

To me, a frontier is a fluid space that connects and seperates two ore more domains at the same time. A frontier is a humain categorie. It is a point of vue. Earth does not have frontiers or bounderies but constantly changing conditions.

What are the most important artistic methods for you?

beeing, observing, regarding, listening, drawing, reflecting, breathing, shaping, faulting, dreaming, dancing, writing, communicating, listening, walking, questioning, sustaining contradictions, continuing, standing still

How would you describe your current interest and artistic approach towards “ecology”
What is your definition or angle to ecology?

To me, ecology is the space between humanity and the world. I have focused on this gap for a long time, in an interdisciplinary way, using diverse techniques and materials. I want to understand both, being convinced that we need the world but the world does not need us at all. It is important to me to keep in mind the different time scales of terrestrial life and earth history. I want to understand our contemporary relations and responses to ‘earth’ or ‘nature’ and how they relate to our beliefs and philosophies. One approach is to come closer and to touch and look for details, another is to disconnect and to search for an overview, within the bounderies of human existence.

Earth rhythms are intrinsic to our human experience. Can they be made visible, perceivable? This is my wish.