Series with 200 removal blankets
Since 2000
How does a textile surface plane fit into space? Using 200 removal blankets I playfully develop three-dimensional options and participatory arrangements from different sequences of movement.
Kati Gausmann • fold, stack, roll, heap • 2002 • 200 removal blankets, pedestal, box on wheels
"Einheizen", Reservoir VI, small water reservoir, Berlin, exhibition view
Kati Gausmann • fold, stack, roll, heap • 2002 • 200 removal blankets, pedestal, box on wheels
"Einheizen", Reservoir VI, small water reservoir, Berlin, exhibition view
Kati Gausmann • fold, stack, roll, heap • 2002 • 200 removal blankets, thread
"kühle Räume, Kühlräume", project space 111, Berlin, exhibition view
Kati Gausmann • fold, stack, roll, heap • 2001 • 200 removal blankets
The tower of 200 blankets that I stacked for the exhibition “ausgezeichnete Räume” in the project space 111 in Berlin topples over. Twin towers collapse in New York.
Kati Gausmann • fold, stack, roll, heap • 2001/02 • 200 removal blankets
I stack twin towers and let them collapse.